Integrated Experimentation and Sustainable Design for Water, Energy and Civil Infrastructure

作者:崇明碳中和研究院 发布时间:2024-05-14 浏览次数:20



主讲人:Yalin Li(李亚琳)

讲座题目:Integrated Experimentation and Sustainable Design for Water, Energy and Civil Infrastructure

讲座主题:The pursuit of sustainability has catalyzed broad investment in the research, development, and deployment (RD&D) of innovative technologies, but navigating and securing funding for the expanding landscape of technology has become increasingly challenging for technology developers and decision-makers. Recognized as one of the five “grand challenges” of Environmental Engineering in the 21st century, making informed decisions and actions to prioritize technology RD&D is critical in addressing the increasingly complex challenges faced by society. This seminar will illustrate how, through the integration of experimental research, sustainable design can contribute to technology RD&D. A case study on hydrothermal valorization system will be discussed in detail, where the unique properties of water at elevated temperature and pressure (i.e., hydrothermal conditions) enable the rapid decomposition of organics into an oil-phase biocrude, an aqueous phase, hydrochar, and gas products. Through various upgrading technologies, these intermediates can then be further turned into biofuels/fuel additives, platform chemicals, construction materials, and fertilizer products. A variety of technologies covering second-generation lignocellulosic biorefineries, sanitation and resource recovery facilities, as well as renewable materials, will also be introduced to demonstrate the wide applicability of the approach in advancing sustainability. 

主讲人介绍:Yalin Li(李亚琳),美国罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)教授,同济大学环境工程专业校友。Yalin Li is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Rutgers University-New Brunswick. Her research focuses on advancing the sustainability of water, energy, and civil infrastructure through integrated experimentation and sustainable design. Specifically, she applies thermochemical and catalytic technologies for resource recovery and develops open-so.